get ready to get re-wired

as we cover natural beauty vs effective beauty, foods that nourish vs foods that deplete, food combinations & your internal + external health. your digestion, absorption, and assimilations of toxins is directly related to what your external health says about you

gut starter program

15 days group program | 3rd January, 2024 to 17th January, 2024

what if you could…

feel less bloated and gassy, break up with mood swings and feel full of energy instead of lethargic when you wake up?

not a cleanse, not a detox

the gut starter program is a straightforward diet plan that can be followed from anywhere in the world with locally available ingredients. 

 pre-recorded short courses

digestive health

pre-recorded | INR 2500, 35$

earn to understand bloating, acidity and constipation - from what causes it, what are its remedies and how can they be avoided with simple remedies

did you know that there are two types of constipations? one of them can get aggravated with raw veggies and juices?

did you know that airy foods such as popcorn can cause more bloating?


basics of ayurveda

pre-recorded | INR 2500, 35$

inspired by past wisdom and contemporary nutrition - bridging the gap between healthier lifestyles and modern-day needs.⁠

your internal health - digestion, absorption, and assimilations of toxins - is directly related to what your external health says about you, look at them as warning signs.

how to start your mornings energetically?

pre-recorded | INR 2500, 35$

always confused about how to start your mornings? lemon water? herbal tea? coffee? apple cider vinegar?

learn to simplify answers

recipes for basic breakfasts along with some green juicing rules and recipes. Eating breakfast like a king was not meant in terms of quantity, rather quality of your food.


introduction to kitchen spices: cooking, infusions & herbal teas

pre-recorded | INR 2500, 35$

you can love them, you can hate them but you simply cannot ignore them. we’re talking about the exotic Indian spices that your kitchen plays host to. besides your perception of spices, which is essentially spicing up your meals, Indian spices are a treasure that keep on giving…the health benefits are umpteen.


un-complicating — everyday groceries

pre-recorded | INR 2500, 35$

uncomplicate your grocery and make simple kitchen swaps to every essential for you & your family.

learn how to make the right decisions to stock your pantry, from which sugars to rice, lentils, etc. ⁠⁠

should you have brown rice or red rice or black rice, or is our good old white rice good as well? Wheat or barley or jowar? Or multi-grain? ⁠⁠

agave or stevia? or maple syrup? which cooking oil - sesame oil or coconut oil?

previous short courses:

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self-massage —
facial oils & gua sha

03 & 04 July 2021      |      price: INR 3500+, $50

do you have muscle pain in your back or neck?
do you have dark circles?

learn practical tools such as gua sha to tone your face muscles, release tension, and sculpt your face

practical workshop with a theoretical base, learning self-massage with Gua Sha, technique explanation and tips and secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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intermediate —

24th & 25th July 2021      |      price: INR 3500, $50

inspired by past wisdom and contemporary nutrition - bridging the gap between healthier lifestyles and modern-day needs.⁠ toxins. ⁠

learn holistic ways to understand your body better and mind better!

after learning "Basics of Ayurveda", you already understand your mind and body.  As an addition to your existing knowledge, learn how do you balance your imbalances

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hair & skin

INR 2500, 35$

tired of following random advice on your skin & hair? time to learn the things that actually work for hair fall, or maintaining a good skin health.

learn to build a good skincare and haircare regime that you will be able to use!



are these courses held online?

yes, it is held online, making it easy for anyone in any part of the world to learn more.

do i need to register for basics to ayurveda to join the intermediate ayruveda?

no, basics to ayurveda is for someone who has no knowledge about ayurveda. if you have enough knowledge, you can attend the intermediate ayurveda,

is the basics to ayurveda and intermediate ayurveda a one day class?

no, the class is split between 2 days

do we conduct private classes?

yes, we conduct private group classes, please get in touch with us on we have also conducted corporate wellness short 1-2 hours programs

which platform is the class conducted on?

it is conducted on zoom

is there a support group?

yes, only for our 6-day classes. you may speak with your peers on WhatsApp chat, and remain in touch with them after class as well!

what is the difference between the basics to ayurveda & intermediate ayurveda

basics of ayurveda class is just a short introduction to ayurveda, however, intermediate ayurveda is an in-depth approach on each topic for ayurveda & beauty. you may see the syllabus to understand the difference

do i need to buy anything for/before class?

no, come to class with a blank state mentally too, ready to absorb all the information, and then make better purchase choices

do we get recordings?

yes, the recordings are viewable for 7 days after the class ends

how many students per batch?

we go up to 25 students for one batch!

is the class interactive?

yes! you may ask your questions, and we love more chat and banter in class!

what if we’ve missed a live class? how do we participate?

you can buy one of our pre-recorded classes