
everyday, simple habits

at Dearist, we believe that the smaller shifts in your lifestyle are habit-forming changes for a lifetime. sometimes, we are too harsh on ourselves and have unrealistic expectations of how we are going to "change". we hope to give you simple everyday habits.

these are not resolutions, these are habits you are going to fall in love with!

celebrate your #littlewin

  • 15 minutes of sunshine before 10 am - without sunscreen!

    why? boost your vitamin d and crucial to set your circadian rhythm

  • jiggle, move, stretch, or have a dance party in the morning

    why? to jiggle out the laziness first thing in the morning

  • press your third eye in the AM, and cup your eyes at night

    why? good way to de-stress and bring awareness

  • full body stretch

    why? strengthens the muscles, balances the hormones, improves metabolism, digestive activity, helps with anxiety

  • coriander herbal tea in the morning

    why? to gently kickstarting our digestive fire

  • eat at least one mono fruit a day

    why? don’t combine fruits together as each fruit is a powerhouse of different enzymes and this will allow your body to focus on digesting and extracting the most nutrients it can from a single fruit.

  • 1 tsp of seed mix everyday

    equal ratio of sunflower seeds + pumpkin seeds, mix them and store them in an airtight container.

  • 1 tsp digestive mix after meals

    equal ratio of roasted saunf (fennel seeds) + ajwain (carom seeds), mix them and store them in an airtight container.

    if you have acidity, acid reflux, burning sensation, or always feel hot/sweat alot, skip the ajwain seeds (carom seeds)

  • selfcare - skin & hair mask

    hair mask: aloe + coconut milk/ghee/milk

    skin mask: aloe + coconut milk/milk (always after cleansing)

    keep it on for 20 -30 mins, and then rinse off!

  • easy eye exercises

    every 20 minutes, blink your eyes 20 times

    now start drawing patterns in the air with the following motions

    - right and left = 10 times
    - right diagonal = 10 times
    - left diagonal = 10 times
    - clockwise rotation = 10 times
    - anticlockwise rotation = 10 times

    now, close and rest your eyes for one whole minute.

    this set of 6 movements of the eyes can be done many times in a day; rest your eyes after completion of each set